HC Deb 22 May 1947 vol 437 cc2498-9
2. Commander Maitland

asked the Minister of Education how many school canteens have been installed in Lindsey; and how many schools are yet without canteens.

Mr. Tomlinson

There are 182 school canteens in Lindsey, serving 213 school departments, out of a total of 321.

Commander Maitland

Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether those figures refer also to school dining rooms?

Mr. Tomlinson

No Sir not without notice.

3. Commander Maitland

asked the Minister of Education how much extra school accommodation is required in Lindsey owing to the raising of the school-leaving age; how much of this accommodation has already been found; and whether he is satisfied that accommodation will be found for all those requiring it.

Mr. Tomlinson

Twenty-nine classrooms and 22 practical rooms are needed under the scheme of hutments to be erected by the Ministry of Works and a new light construction school to accommodate about 500 pupils is required at Scunthorpe. None of this accommodation has yet been completed, but the Ministry of Works hope that it will all be ready in time, except perhaps for some fittings and equipment for part of the first instalment.

Commander Maitland

Is the right hon. Gentleman satisfied that as much progress is being made as is possible?

Mr. Tomlinson

Yes, Sir, I think the Ministry of Works have done and are doing their best.