HC Deb 13 May 1947 vol 437 cc1268-9
16. Mr. A. Edward Davies

asked the Secretary of State for War when he expects to be in a position to make a statement outlining facilities which will be given to relatives of deceased servicemen to visit graves overseas.

Mr. J. Freeman

The Interdepartmental Committee set up to investigate the problem of visits to war cemeteries by relatives of the fallen has completed its report, which is now being examined. I fully appreciate the very natural interest in this matter, and hope to be in a position to make a statement in the near future.

Mr. Davies

Does the Under-Secretary appreciate that many families, wanting an opportunity to go abroad, are writing very regularly to Members, and will he give the most generous facilities at the earliest possible moment to these people who have a real claim?

Mr. Freeman

I will do the best I can, but I would ask my hon. Friend to remember that they are also writing to me.

Squadron-Leader Fleming

Does the Under-Secretary mean that he intends to bring forward some scheme to assist relatives to go overseas?

Mr. Freeman

The hon. and gallant Member had better await the statement.