HC Deb 09 May 1947 vol 437 cc960-1048

Considered in Committee [Progress, 8th May.]

[Major MILNER in the Chair.]

11.5 a.m.

The Lord President of the Council (Mr. Herbert Morrison)

With the leave of the Committee, I should like to make an appeal to the Committee to co-operate in getting the Committee stage of the Bill finished today. In doing that, I am not appealing to one side alone; I am appealing to all parts of the Committee, because it requires co-operation from both sides. We have given an extra day which we thought right and, indeed, necessary, and I would ask the Committee to assist in completing the Committee stage today so that we can be ready for the next stage. I should be very much obliged for that assistance.

Mr. Oliver Stanley (Bristol, West)

If I might follow the irregularity of the Leader of the House in speaking with no Motion before the Committee, I would like to say that, as far as we on this side are concerned, we have certainly no intention of prolonging the proceedings longer than necessary. But, because of what we think has been a wholly inadequate allowance by the Government of time for the discussion of this most important Measure in the past, we certainly could not consent to omit discussions which we think are vital. What I can promise is that we shall not use any dilatory or obstructive tactics, or enter into any discussion which we do not sincerely wish to pursue.

Mr. Rhys Davies (Westhoughton)

As one who has been rather critical of this Bill, may I be allowed to say that we will never use any obstructive tactics, but I should like to add that the more concessions the Government give to us, the more speedily will the Bill go through.

The Chairman

Sir Ian Fraser.

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Labour (Mr. Ness Edwards)

Before you call the new Clause in the name of the hon. Member for Lonsdale (Sir I. Fraser), may I make a suggestion to the Committee? It might be for the convenience of the Committee if, on the new Clause which is to be moved by the hon. Member for Lonsdale, we could discuss the general principle relating to deferment that arises in the proposed new Clauses dealing with persons engaged in coalmining, distribution of food, agriculture and other trades.

The Chairman

I am obliged to the hon. Gentleman, but in my view the new Clauses deal with quite separate issues. I propose that we should first take the new Clause in the name of the hon. Member for Lonsdale. Later there are new Clauses dealing with exemptions, beginning with that in the name of the hon. Member for Dumbarton Burghs (Mr. Kirkwood), and on those new Clauses I shall propose there should be a general Debate on the principle of exemption.

  1. NEW CLAUSE.—(Special provisions for calling up of farm workers.) 5,076 words
  2. cc974-87
  3. NEW CLAUSE.—(Cadet Forces.) 5,462 words
  4. cc987-1000
  5. NEW CLAUSE.—(Commissions.) 4,791 words
  6. cc1000-23
  7. NEW CLAUSE.—(Exemption for persons engaged in production of coal-mining machinery.) 9,239 words
  8. cc1023-30
  9. NEW CLAUSE.—(Exemption for only son of widow in certain circumstances.) 2,981 words
  10. cc1030-48
  11. FIRST SCHEDULE.—(Length of whole-time service.) 7,044 words