HC Deb 01 May 1947 vol 436 cc2151-2
16. Mr. Chetwynd

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power if he is now in a position to allow domestic coal consumers to change their coal retailers, particularly in those cases where hardship can be proved.

Mr. Shinwell

I would refer my hon. Friend to the replies I gave on 6th and 13th March to Questions on this subject from the hon. and learned Member for Chester (Mr. Nield) and the hon. Member for Solihull (Mr. M. Lindsay).

Mr. Chetwynd

Where the consumer can prove that he has been unfairly treated by a merchant, would my right hon. Friend consider allowing him to change his dealer?

Mr. Shinwell

The aggrieved consumer can always apply to the local fuel overseer.

Mr. John McKay

Is the Minister aware that there are about 500 householders in Newcastle who do not use coal, and is there any likelihood of any arrangement being made for them to be able to get heat to the same extent as coal consumers?

Mr. Shinwell

This Question relates to a change of registration. It has nothing to do with heating in general.

Mr. Prescott

There are very many cases where consumers are very badly treated by their merchants. The present procedure is not satisfactory, and will the right hon. Gentleman consider altering it?

Mr. Shinwell

We do receive complaints from consumers about the attitude of coal merchants and we try to deal with those complaints to the best of our ability.

Mr. Yates

Is the Minister aware that there is considerable dissatisfaction over this in the city of Birmingham and that in some cases people have been compelled to trade with coal merchants who live five miles away in preference to those living 10o yards away? There seems to be no sensible arrangement in this at all.

Mr. Shinwell

If we are to have registration with coal merchants in order to provide the domestic consumer with coal, obviously some anomalies must emerge, but, as I say, the local fuel overseers are available to enable consumers to have these matters rectified.

Mr. Chetwynd

Why is it that some dealers are able to supply the full allocation while a dealer supplying the person next door is only able to supply something like 5 cwts. less?

Mr. Shinwell

That may depend on the circumstances of the household. If my hon. Friend is aggrieved about these matters, perhaps he might let me have detailed cases.