HC Deb 26 March 1947 vol 435 cc1238-9
53. Miss Colman

asked the Minister of Food whether, in view of the continuing high retail prices of vegetables, particularly cabbages, cauliflowers and turnips, he will re-impose price control.

Dr. Summerskill

I would refer my hon. Friend to the reply given on 24th March to the hon. Member for North Hendon (Mrs. Ayrton Gould), a copy of which I am sending her.

Mr. Tolley

This is of very urgent national importance, and will not the Minister look into it and do something about it?

Dr. Summerskill

We fully realise the importance of this, but I would remind my hon. Friend that my right hon. Friend the Minister gave a detailed reply on Monday.

55. Mr. A. Edward Davies

asked the Minister of Food if he is aware of the exorbitant prices which are being charged for essential vegetables such as parsnips, turnips, sprouts, cabbages and cauliflowers; and whether he will take immediate action to reduce prices and control these necessary foodstuffs.

Dr. Summerskill

I would refer my hon. Friend to the reply given on 24th March to the hon Member for North Hendon (Mrs. Ayrton Gould), a copy of which I am sending him.

Mr. Davies

Does the Minister appreciate that, in spite of the reply of 24th March, we are still dissatisfied; that the prices of green vegetables are very unsatisfactory, and that turnips are being priced at 1s. 4d. each? What tonnage of green vegetables does she expect will come into the country before 15th June under the open licence system; and will this deal with the problem effectively?

Dr. Summerskill

I think my right hon. Friend indicated on Monday that he was giving this his closest attention.

Mr. Beeehman

Will the Minister bear in mind that the growers of early cauliflowers in this country have sustained tragic and phenomenal losses?