HC Deb 26 March 1947 vol 435 c1209
Mr. Alex. Anderson

I beg to present to this House a Petition organised by the Next-of-Kin of War Deceased Organisation of Scotland. This Petition, which has been signed by over 100,000 people throughout Scotland, states that it is the belief of the petitioners that a grave injustice and hardship has been caused to relatives and dependants of deceased ex-Servicemen and women because of the refusal of His Majesty's Government to grant pensions without the means test. The Petition concludes with the prayer: Wherefore your petitioners pray that legislation should be passed forthwith to cancel the means test, thus compensating all parents by an allowance for loss sustained by the call-up of sons and daughters or by a suitable pension if killed, thus showing appreciation for the sacrifice made by the parents. To lie upon the Table.