HC Deb 26 March 1947 vol 435 c1225
25. Mr. D. Marshall

asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster how many British and how many German personnel are employed on censorship of mail from Germany; what is the cost of this censorship; and how long is the mail delayed in transit.

Mr. J. Hynd

There are 15 British and 400 Germans now employed on this work. The cost of the British staff is just over £7,000 a year; the German staff are paid from German sources. Normally, mail is not delayed more than two days.

Mr. Marshall

Is the Minister aware that the information I have received shows that the delay is 15 days?

Mr. Hynd

Tests have been made, and I believe there have been exceptional cases of delays up to 13 or 15 days, but that is not normal.

Mr. Martin Lindsay

Can the hon. Gentleman say how much longer it will be necessary to impose this censorship?

Mr. Hynd

As long as it is considered necessary by the Control Commission for security and other reasons.

Mr. Stokes

As all the exceptional cases seem to come my way, will my hon. Friend have all the envelopes in my mail examined after they have arrived a month or more after despatch?

Mr. Wilson Harris

Can the hon. Gentleman say why a postcard was censored because it had a picture of the Virgin Mary on the back?

Mr. Hynd

It was not because that was a specific restriction; the restriction applies to illustrated cards in general.