HC Deb 18 March 1947 vol 435 cc172-4
21. Mr. Willis

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he will now make a statement on the steps he proposes to take to deal with the insecurity of tenure of small traders in Scotland.

23. Mr. J. L. Williams

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he is now in a position to make a further statement with regard to the steps to be taken to protect the increasing number of small shopkeepers in Glasgow who are being threatened with eviction from their premises, some because they will not purchase at a high price and the others because they will not agree to drastic increases in rent.

24. Mr. William Ross

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what further representations he has received from small traders in Scotland regarding insecurity of tenure; and what steps he proposes to take to deal with the situation.

Mr. Westwood

I have decided to set up a Committee of inquiry to go into the question of the tenure of shop premises. I am circulating in the OFFICIAL REPORT the Committee's terms of reference, and I hope to be in a position shortly to announce the names of the Chairman and other members.

Mr. Willis

Will the right hon. Gentleman consider instructing the Committee to introduce an interim report dealing with the issues that are most urgent at the present time, so as to get something done as quickly as possible?

Mr. Westwood

I shall take that suggestion into consideration when the time comes for the Committee to make a report.

Mr. McKinley

Would the right hon. Gentleman consider asking the Committee to inquire into the displacement of persons occupying property as business premises, and in surveying the matter would he make representations to the Coal Board to treat people as they would like to be treated?

Mr. Westwood

My hon. Friend will see the terms of reference in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Mr. Hoy

Will the right hon. Gentleman speed up this inquiry regarding shopkeepers whose dwelling houses are attached to the shops and who are being asked to pay exorbitant increases in rent; and in view of the tremendous danger to the houses will he consider representations made by my hon. Friend the Member for North Edinburgh (Mr. Willis) and have an interim report?

Mr. Westwood

I have already indicated that when the Committee is set up I shall consider the suggestions which have been made.

Major Lloyd

Would the Minister consider including several ex-Service men who have been unable to get back to their own homes and are in fact evicted from them?

Mr. Westwood

No, Sir, that will not come within the terms of reference.

Mr. Stephen

Would the Minister consider extending the terms of reference to include an invstigation of cases where people are being asked to buy their houses as well?

Mr. Westwood

No, Sir, this will be limited to the shops, which is the question which was agitating the minds of so many hon. Members in connection with this Committee.

Following are the terms of reference:

"To investigate the present position in which tenants of shops are placed at the termination of their tenancies, and to consider and advise—(1) whether tenants should be given a right to renewal of their tenancies and if so the terms (particularly as to rent and duration) on which any such renewal should be granted; (2) whether provision should be made for giving to tenants a right to compensation for improvements and goodwill on the termination of their tenancies; and (3) what machinery should be provided to carry into effect any recommendations made under the two preceding heads."