HC Deb 19 June 1947 vol 438 cc2217-8
47. Mr. Baker White

asked the Minister of Labour if he will give an analysis of the causes of the 427 stoppages of work that took place in the mining industry in the period 1st January to 30th April, 1947.

Mr. Ness Edwards

Of the 427 stoppages of work through industrial disputes in the coal mining industry which were reported to our Department as having begun in the period 1st January to 30th April, 1947, 24 arose out of demands for advances in wages and 153 on other wage questions; nine on questions as to working hours; 32 on questions respecting the employment of particular classes or persons; 198 on other questions of working arrangements; and II on miscellaneous questions.

Mr. Baker White

In view of the facts given in the right hon. Gentleman's reply and in view of the fact that out of 687 stoppages in this period, 427 were in the mining industry, is there not need for some special inquiry as to what can be done to improve the machinery for settling disputes?

Mr. Ness Edwards

I have looked [...] the number of days lost during that quarter, and I think I ought to give ii to the House; it is 126,000. Looking at the mining industry over a large number of years this figure compares very favour- ably. One has to have regard to the fact that there was a new regime, that new conditions were being introduced, and that there were many disputes settled without any stoppage. I do not think there is much need for any special inquiry.