HC Deb 16 June 1947 vol 438 c1568
7. Mr. William Shepherd

asked the Minister of Supply if he is aware that B.E.A.C. have indicated their intention to sell reconditioned ex-Service motor cars to their employees; and what steps he is taking to see that such vehicles are not supplied to B.E.A.C. until all the priority demands of disabled ex-Service men and women are satisfied.

The Minister of Supply (Mr. John Wilmot)

No vehicles are being supplied to B.E.A.C. for resale to their employees.

Mr. Shepherd

Is it not true to say that these vehicles are being supplied to B.E.A.C. for use by the corporation, and if so, will the Minister give an undertaking that no such vehicles will be supplied in future until the needs of disabled ex-Service men have been met?

Mr. Wilmot

That is quite a different question. Government Corporations and Departments obviously have a claim on certain vehicles, but these are usually of a different type from those required by ex-Service men.

Mr. Shepherd

Why should not disabled ex-Service men get these vehicles before these octopus corporations?