HC Deb 10 June 1947 vol 438 c874

The following Question stood on the Order Paper:


,—TO ask the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty, if he will promise an early statement on the future of Rosyth naval base and on the proposal for a graving dock on the Clyde estuary, capable of berthing and servicing the biggest Clyde-built ships.

Mr. Gallacher

I want to put a point to you, Sir, in connection with Question No. 80. For three years some of us have been trying to get an answer from the Admiralty about the future of the Rosyth Naval Base and the Clyde Estuary, with- out any result. In desperation, I put the Question down to the Prime Minister, in the hope of getting a satisfactory answer, but I now see that it has been transferred to the Admiralty. Cannot we get this Question answered by the Prime Minister?

Mr. Speaker

If the hon. Member will notice when Questions to the Admiralty come on early in the week, perhaps he might put his Question to them then.

Mr. Gallacher

It has been hopeless to do that with the Admiralty, and I want the Prime Minister to answer the Question.

Colonel Gomme-Duncan

I would also like to point out, Mr. Speaker, that it has been impossible to get a satisfactory answer out of the Admiralty at all. This Question was put to the Prime Minister in the hope that he would give judgment on the subject.

Mr. Speaker

It has never been the custom of this House that in Departmental matters the Prime Minister should be called in. The Question always has to go to the Department which is immediately concerned.