HC Deb 05 June 1947 vol 438 cc367-8
20. Mr. Spence

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power whether he will encourage the use of oil fuel for domestic heating purposes in private establishments, hotels, etc.; and whether such installations can be assured of reasonable supplies.

Mr. Shinwell

No, Sir. I am not prepared at this stage to encourage the wider use of oil fuel for domestic heating in private establishments, hotels, etc. As I said on 24th April in answer to the hon. Member for Stafford (Mr. Swingler), schemes of coal/oil conversion already approved will account by the middle of 1948 for an annual coal saving of eight million tons. The practicability and desirability of going further is obviously a matter for the most careful consideration, and I am not yet ready to say if we shall require to do so.

Mr. Spence

Will the Minister make an announcement on this matter fairly soon, because a number of people wishing to help in saving coal are considering introducing these installations, if it is to be in the national interest?

Mr. Shinwell

As the hon. Member is no doubt aware, we have already made announcements on this subject. We have advised the industrialists who wish to use oil fuel and we are contemplating making another announcement very soon.