HC Deb 31 July 1947 vol 441 c610
7. Mr. Sorensen

asked the Minister of Fuel and Power what is the proportionate difference in the consumption of coal involved in burning electric lamps of the most economical and of inferior type; what steps have been taken to impress on the public and on local authorities the advantage in fuel economy by burning the most economical types of electric lamps; and whether steps will be taken to prohibit the manufacture of uneconomic electric lamps.

Mr. Shinwell

The ordinary filament lamp consumes from three to eight times as much coal as a discharge lamp, according to the type of discharge lamp used. I am informed by my right hon. Friend the Minister of Supply that the demand for lamps of the latter type exceeds the supply, that he is actively encouraging their development, and in all the circumstances, does not consider it practicable to prohibit the manufacture of the ordinary filament lamp.

Mr. Sorensen

Has the Minister made inquiries to find out how long it will be before a more economical lamp is available?

Mr. Shinwell

If my hon. Friend has in mind the fluorescent type of lamp, or lamps which use sodium or mercury, I am afraid it will take some time because the parts are in process of manufacture, and there are difficulties.