HC Deb 28 July 1947 vol 441 cc201-2

Amendment made, in page 47, line 45, at end insert: and in the said sections one hundred and eight and one hundred and nine references to the particulars required by that Act to be contained with respect to directors in the said register shall be construed as referring to the particulars required by that Act and this Act to be contained therein with respect to the company's directors."—[Mr. Belcher.]

Sir S. Cripps

I beg to move: In page 48, line 26, at the end, to insert: (4) In the case of a company keeping a dominion register—

  1. (a) references in the last foregoing subsection to the particulars required by subsections (1) and (2) of the said section one hundred and eight shall be taken as not including any such particulars contained in the dominion register, in so far as copies of the entries containing those particulars are not received at the registered office of the company before the date when the return in question is made; and
  2. (b) where an annual return is made between the date when any entries are made in the dominion register and the date when copies of those entries are received at the registered office of the company, the particulars contained in those entries, so far as relevant to an annual return, shall be included in the next or a subsequent annual return as may be appropriate having regard to the particulars included in that return with respect to the company's principal register."
This Amendment deals with a case of a company which keeps a dominion register. It is really consequential on Subsection 3 of Clause 53. In that Subsection a company, instead of filing a complete return of members every year, may file a complete return every third year and only a list of changes in the two intervening years. However, under Section 185 it might be that the particulars of the entries made in a dominion register could not be included in the first return made after the particulars are received in the company's registered office in London, as appears in Section (3). This Amendment is designed to meet the various situations covered by the Clause in a more satisfactory manner.

Amendment agreed to.