HC Deb 28 July 1947 vol 441 c191

11.45 p.m.

Sir S. Cripps

I beg to move, in page 18, line 39, to leave out from the beginning, to. "practised," in line 40 and to insert: obtained adequate knowledge and experience in the course of his employment by a member of a body of accountants recognised for the purposes of the foregoing paragraph or as having before the passing of this Act. This Amendment makes two alterations. It puts the date forward from July 18th, 1945, to the date of the passing of the Bill, so that if any accountant has been in the practice of accountancy before the middle of August, he will be able to continue in it. Secondly, it has been represented that persons may have been employed for years in the offices of practising accountants and have acquired a very good knowledge of accountancy for the purposes of audit in such cases as they are likely to be appointed for. The draft Public Accountants Bill, of which we have seen a copy, put forward by the accountancy bodies includes a similar provision. We think it reasonable in the circumstances that these two alterations should be made.

Major Bruce

The right hon. and learned Gentleman has mentioned the draft Public Accountants Bill. What are the Government's intentions in relation to that Bill?

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendment made: In page 18, line 43, after "company," insert: as defined in Subsection (4) of Section fifty-four of this Act."—[Sir S. Cripps.]

Sir S. Cripps

I beg to move, in page 19, line 1, leave out Subsection (2).

This will enable ex-Service men to practise as accountants provided they have done so before 1st January, 1947. As we have made an alteration of the date the necessity for this provision disappears.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendment made

In page 19, line 26, at end, insert: as defined in Subsection (4) of Section fifty-four of this Act."—[Sir S. Cripps.]