HC Deb 21 July 1947 vol 440 cc838-9
14. Colonel Wheatley

asked the Minister of Food if the foliage of groundnut plants is liable to be attacked by locusts; and what precautions it is proposed to take to deal with this danger to the success of the East African Groundnut Scheme.

Mr. Strachey

The foliage of the groundnut plant is eaten by some varieties of locusts. Co-ordinated measures for dealing with outbreaks are in operation over the whole of East Africa. Further, the whole lay-out of cultivation in the new groundnut areas and the equipment available will make it possible to fight locusts in a way which could not be attempted where there are scattered holdings or relatively small farms.

Colonel Wheatley

Have any experiments been made in spraying the larvae of the locusts before they move up? Have aeroplanes been used for this purpose?

Mr. Strachey

I believe some experiments have been made in that way.