HC Deb 16 July 1947 vol 440 cc396-7
56. Lady Grant

asked the Minister of Works when his Department will be getting out of the club premises at 5–7, West Craibstone Street, Aberdeen, as the premises are urgently required for occupation by the owners.

The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Works (Mr. Durbin)

I regret that in the absence of any suitable alternative accommodation I can see no prospect of these premises being released in the near future.

Lady Grant

is the Minister aware that the present accommodation in this club is most unsatisfactory; that they have tried everything possible to suggest alternative accommodation to the Minister; and, as they cater for 700 industrial workers, will he do everything possible to secure alternative accommodation quickly?

Mr. Durbin

Certainly. I would only add to that assurance the statement that the club offered four alternative accommodations, no one of which was suitable and no one of which was large enough for the Ministry of Food office.