HC Deb 14 July 1947 vol 440 cc6-7
19. Mr. Stokes

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he will give an assurance that no part of Krupps' works normally engaged on locomotive production will be blown up, even though part of such works may have from time to time been engaged on armament production.

Mr. McNeil

No part of Krupps Gusstahlfabrik at Essen which was normally engaged on locomotive production and which is required for the locomotive repair programme or which ultimately may be required for building locomotives has been scheduled for demolition at present. Other sections of the factory which were normally engaged on locomotive work and which are required for locomotive repairs are also exempted from the present demolition and reparatior programme.

Mr. Stokes

Is my right hon. Friend quite sure about this because some of us have information which is to the contrary? Would he be of the opinion that this is the wrong moment to blow up anything? What purpose can be served two years after the war in indulging in this belated bombardment?

Mr. McNeil

If my hon. Friend has any information on the subject I will be glad to consider it, because I am most anxious to ensure that there is no loss of potential plant for locomotive production, but I should not like to commit myself to the general statement that this is not the moment to blow up anything.

Mr. Hobson

Is my right hon. Friend aware that a large part of these works are capable of use in the construction and repair of locomotives for which there is such an urgent need in Germany, and, indeed, in Europe, and why cannot construction and repair of locomotives take place where the rails are already laid dawn and where the lathes and milling machines are?

Mr. Heathcoat Amory

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that almost any war plant can be converted to peacetime uses and that efforts should be concentrated on such conversion rather than on further blowing up.

Mr. McNeil

I was asked about locomotive production plants, and I do not think any plant in Germany could be adapted for this purpose. The plants available for the purpose are being used.

Mr. Stokes

In view of the importance of the matter will my right hon. Friend ensure that there is no more blowing up until really competent people with practical experience review the whole situation. I beg to give notice that I will raise this matter on the Adjournment at the earliest possible moment.