HC Deb 14 July 1947 vol 440 cc15-6
29. Mr. David Renton

asked the Minister of Food whether he will take steps before next winter to install emergency food supply dumps in isolated districts in order to prevent a recurrence of the difficulties created through severe winter weather in the past.

Mr. Strachey

I am afraid that the maintenance of a number of small dumps would be wasteful in both food and manpower. My local officers already have discretion to allow people who live in isolated areas to lay in a month's stock of food in advance during the winter months, in addition to the normal four weeks' supply—thus they would have eight weeks' supply of food in the house at the beginning of each rationing period. This scheme will be well publicised later in the year to give householders in isolated areas ample time to prepare themselves against hard weather.

Mr. Renton

Would the Minister amplify his statement by making it clear whether it is shops and stores which will be allowed to carry these stocks or individual farmers and householders?

Mr. Strachey

The Question refers to individuals.