HC Deb 08 July 1947 vol 439 cc2009-10
13. Mr. Teeling

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that the Brighton Corporation have entered into an agreement to purchase the Stanmer Park Estate from the trustees of the Chichester Estates; that this purchase should be completed by a certain date; when his Department will hand back the property; and, if they wish to retain part of it, when he will see a deputation, already chosen, from the corporation to discuss the derequisitioning in all its aspects.

Mr. J. Freeman

I am aware that the Brighton Corporation are negotiating to purchase Stanmer Park Estate from the trustees of the Chichester Estates, but not whether this purchase is to be completed by any particular date. The question of derequisitioning Stanmer Park is still under consideration. It may happen that the War Department will have a requirement for a small part of this estate, but any such proposal would have to be considered under present arrangements by the Inter-Departmental Committee on Service Land Requirements. When I have had an opportunity of examining the final results of the present investigations, my right hon. Friend will inform the hon. Member when he can see a deputation.

Mr. Teeling

Is the Financial Secretary aware that, as far back as 4th June, he was sent a letter stating that the corporation wished to meet him before the War Office came to a decision on this matter? Does he realise that this is a question of only 100 acres out of 5,000 acres? Would it not be quicker if the corporation were informed what are the requirements of the War Office, and then for the matter to be adjusted in a friendly fashion?

Mr. Freeman

There is still a doubt whether we require this area or not, and I think it would be worth the while of the hon. Member to wait on the off-chance that we may not want it.

Mr. Teeling

While not suggesting whether the 100 acres are required or not, will the Under-Secretary try to find out before any decision is made what 100 acres are most suitable to the War Office and also to the Brighton Council, because at the moment we are at variance on which 100 acres it should be?

Mr. Freeman

I apprehend the hon. Member's point. I will ask my right hon. Friend when would be the most appropriate time to receive a deputation.

Mr. Marlowe

Why did the Under-Secretary refuse to see the corporation before coming to a decision? Would it not be better to see the corporation first?

Mr. Freeman

I think we are talking about different decisions.