HC Deb 08 July 1947 vol 439 c2030
47. Mr. Henry Strauss

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether the Civil Service (Approved Associations) Regulations, 1927, are still in force, or on what date they were repealed.

Mr. Dalton

They were repealed on 4th July. 1947.

Mr. Strauss

May I ask the right hon. Gentleman two questions: first, does he realise that in the 13 months that have elapsed between the repeal of the 1927 Act and last Friday, civil servants remained subject to all the alleged disabilities imposed by Section 5 of the 1927 Act; and, secondly, is it the Government's intention to replace the regulations which he has now revoked by any others.

Mr. Dalton

The answer to the first part of the question is that this was a very disputable question of law.

Mr. Strauss indicated dissent.

Mr. Dalton

It is no good the hon. and learned Gentleman shaking his head, because it was, and I say that because we had conflicting legal opinions offered. In any case the Government's intention when abolishing the tyrannical Trade Disputes Act, 1927, made it abundantly clear that any trade union which wished to affiliate with the Tory Party could have done so.

Mr. Strauss

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the specific point that has now arisen in view of which he revoked these regulations last Friday was brought to the Government's attention during the Debates last year, and the statement of the law then given from these Benches was never disputed by the Law Officers of the Crown.

In view of the extraordinary answers given by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, I beg to give notice that I shall raise the matter at the earliest opportunity.

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