HC Deb 07 July 1947 vol 439 c1933

10.15 p.m.

Mr. Westwood

I beg to move, in page 36, line 38, to leave out "waste,? and to insert "derelict, waste, neglected."

This Amendment is intended to give effect to the point which was raised in Committee that the kind of land in relation to which a local authority may take action under Clause 29 should be more narrowly defined. That is what the Amendment does, in order to fulfil the undertaking which we gave.

Mr. J. S. C. Reid

We must thank the right hon. Gentleman for going some little way, but we are still left with the vague phraseology "derelict, waste, neglected or other land …"It may deal with derelict or waste land, but I am not sure that "neglected or other land" does not remain subject to the objections we stated previously. I am afraid we shall still be in a little difficulty, but I do not want to press the matter. As the Secretary of State has gone some distance, perhaps he will look at the matter again before the Bill reaches another place. It is a matter of some importance, which I think could be clarified a little more with advantage to everyone.

Amendment agreed to.