HC Deb 02 July 1947 vol 439 cc1319-20
58. Sir John Mellor

asked the Minister of Food why the Food (Points Rationing) Order, 1946, and the 13 orders amending it have not been consolidated; and when these orders, which affect housewives generally, will be rendered intelligible.

Mr. Strachey

I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given him as recently as 8th May. As to the second part of the Question, the purport of the orders is given in explanatory notes, in Press notices, in "Food Facts" and on the wireless, and I do not believe that housewives have difficulty in understanding the points rationing system.

Sir J. Mellor

Will not the Minister save both labour and annoyance by refraining from amending the principal Order at least once a month?

Mr. Strachey

What we do is to consolidate this Order annually, and it will be consolidated again.

Sir J. Mellor

Why is it necessary to amend it at least once a month?

Mr. Strachey

The whole essence of the points scheme is that as supply and demand vary the point values are put up or down.

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