Resolution reported:
That any Act of the present Session to transfer to the Crown Apsley House and the site, forecourt and garden thereof and certain chattels formerly belonging to the First Duke of Wellington, and, among other purposes, to provide for the use of Apsley House partly as a museum for the preservation and exhibition of the said chattels and other chattels associated with the said First Duke or his times and for other public purposes, and partly as a residence for the Dukes of Wellington, may include provision that the enactments relating to estate duty shall have affect as if, during the continuance of the Dukedom of Wellington, any portions of Apsley House made available by the said Act as a residence for the Dukes of Wellington, together with any right to occupy the garden and any rights of access specified in the said Act, were settled by Act of Parliament so that the successive Dukes of Wellington had life interests therein but were incapable of alienating the same.