HC Deb 28 January 1947 vol 432 cc755-6
32. Mr. McKinlay

asked the Secretary 01 State for Scotland what consultations have taken place with local authorities on the question of regional water supplies; and if he will state the names of authorities consulted.

Mr. Westwood

I propose, with the hon. Member's permission, to circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT a statement on the various consultations which have taken place with the local authorities.

Mr. McKinlay

Is my right hon. Friend aware that the biggest water authority in Scotland has no knowledge of such consultations taking place, and that it is proposed to take the water supply from a part of my constituency situated next to the Glasgow water works, and switch it to a new regional board?

Mr. Westwood

I am not aware of that fact, but after my hon. Friend has seen the full statement that I have promised I will be willing to discuss that matter with him if it arises.

Mr. McKinlay

Is it not a fact that the Glasgow Corporation have not been a party to any of the consultations?

Mr. Westwood

It is more than possible that they have not, because I have yet to learn that the Glasgow Corporation is a rural authority under the Act.

Mr. McKinlay

I desire to give notice that I will, raise this matter on the Adjournment. That is too slippery for me.

Following is the statement:

The following local authorities have been consulted about the outline regional schemes prepared by the Department of Health for Scotland:

Aberdeen. Kirkcudbright.
Angus. Midlothian.
Ayr. Moray.
Banff. Nairn.
Caithness. Orkney.
Clackmannan. Perth.
Dumfries. Renfrew.
Dunbarton. Ross and Cromarty.
East Lothian. Stirling.
Fife. Wigtown.
Kincardine. Burgh of Inverness.

Consultations have also taken place with the local authorities of the counties of Berwick, Lanark and Roxburgh in connection with regional water supply schemes prepared by these authorities.

With regard to regional water supply schemes which have been the subject of applications for grant, the county councils of Aberdeen, Angus, Banff, Berwick, Caithness, Kincardine, Orkney and Wig-town have been notified that a part of their regional water supply schemes has been provisionally selected with a view to an offer of grant under the Rural Water Supplies and Sewerage Act, 1944. The county councils of Dunbarton and Lanark have been informed that I am prepared to consider regional water supply schemes for these counties with a view to an offer of grant under the Distribution of Industry Act, 1945.