HC Deb 23 January 1947 vol 432 cc340-2
7. Mr. John Lewis

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he is aware that the lowest price for full strength D.D.T. in 10-ton lots is 3s. 3d. per pound in this country as against 2s. 10d. per pound in the U.S.A., and what are the reasons for this large difference.

Sir S. Cripps

I am aware that the price of D.D.T. is higher in this country than in the U.S.A., but comparative information on raw material and other production costs and on royalty payments is not available.

8. Mr. J. Lewis

asked the President of the Board of Trade what steps he is taking to alter the policy of his Department which has resulted in the formation of a cartel amongst the manufacturers of D.D.T.

Sir S. Cripps

I. am aware that the producers of D.D.T. in this country sell at a common price but not as the result of the policy of my Department. D.D.T. is in free supply and is not subject to statutory control.

Mr. Lewis

Is it not a fact that the manufacturers have agreed among themselves not to supply full strength D.D.T. for export purposes, whereas the Americans are supplying it, and is the right hon. Gentleman quite sure that there is not some restrictive practice?

Sir S. Cripps

With regard to exports, the next Question the hon. Member has on the Order Paper deals with that matter.

Mr. Frank Byers

Are not the Government intending to do anything at all about price-fixing arrangements, which hold the public up to ransom?

Sir S. Cripps

Where there is evidence of any such arrangements, we take action.

9. Mr. J. Lewis

asked the President of the Board of Trade if he is aware that the export of full strength D.D.T. is prohibited from this country by a manufacturer's cartel, except to restricted markets in the Empire where it has to meet the lower-priced American competition; and if he will have an immediate inquiry made into the position with a view to assisting the British export market.

Sir S. Cripps

I am not aware of any prohibitions on exports of D.D.T. from this country, but I am advised that there are in the United Kingdom and other countries patent rights relating to the preparation and use of D.D.T. in certain forms as an insecticide. The conditions on which licences under patents are granted are a matter for negotiation between the patentees and the applicants for such licences.

Mr. Lewis

Would the right hon. and learned Gentleman normally be aware of any particular price-fixing arrangement which might be in existence? Is it his practice to inquire from 'various cartels exactly what their arrangements are?

Sir S. Cripps

No, Sir, unless something is drawn to my attention it is not my practice to make general inquiries.

Mr. Osborne

Is it not remarkable that Socialist Members should draw attention to the efficiency of America, which is a land of free enterprise?