HC Deb 19 February 1947 vol 433 cc1158-9
38. Dr. Santo Jeger

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies the figures for the increases in the cost of living and wages in the various West Indian Colonies.

Mr. Creech Jones

As the answer includes a long tabular statement, I pro-

Colony Cost of living indices
December 1944 December 1945 March 1946 June 1946 September 1946 December 1946
Bahamas 1939=100 196 (192) 284
Barbados. 1939=100 185 194 196 200 215 222
British Guiana 1938=100 159 161 170 172 176
British Honduras 1939=100 160 162 167 169 198 (197)
Jamaica 1939=100 160 159 158 164 (170)
Leeward Islands
Antigua 1939=100 166 162 161 161 166 172
Montserrat 1939=100 184 179 184 183 189 192
St Kitts 1939=100 175 172 171 174 179 179
Virgin Is 1939=100 170 170 175 180 180
Windward Islands
Dominica 1939=100 170 170 176 187
Grenada 1939=100 179 181 182 182
St Lucia 1939=100 183 166 179 185 194
St Vincent 1939=100 181 190 190 189 201 (202)
Trinidad 1935=100 193 200 200 202 204 216
Note Figures in brackets apply to nearest month for which information is available e.g. (170) for Jamaica in September, 1946, is actually the figure for August. 1946 Where there are blanks in the table the relevant figures are not available

Temporary additions to wages to meet increased cost-of-living have been made and some details are given in my reply to another question by my hon. Friend on today's paper. Some employers, either by agreement with trade unions or by managerial decision, have introduced bonuses on a sliding scale related to the official cost-of-living index; others have granted temporary bonuses which are adjusted periodically on an ad hoc basis.

Mr. J. Langford-Holt

Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether the cost-of-living index is worked out on the same archaic system as we have in this country. or on a more realistic basis?

Mr. Creech-Jones

The experience of this country is not being ignored, but, in many of the Colonies, they have built up their own cost-of-living index.