HC Deb 04 February 1947 vol 432 c1564
34. Mr. W. J. Brown

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland, whether he is aware of the delay in the issue of Civil Service certificates to auxiliary prison officers in Scotland who have qualified for the established staff; and, since these delays have a serious effect on the superannuation and seniority of the persons concerned, if he will give instructions that the dates of the certificates will be made retrospective to the date on which the recipient actually qualified.

Mr. Westwood

I understand that there has been unavoidable delay in the issue of certificates of qualification by the Civil Service Commissioners owing to heavy pressure of work in that department. The, basis of seniority and the superannuation position of the officers concerned will be determined in consultation with the Prison Officers Association.

Mr. Brown

May I interpret the reply as implying that these men will not, in fact, suffer through any act of delay over which they have no control?

Mr. Westwood

Definitely I can give the hon. Member that assurance. It is the answer which I have given.