§ 9. Mr. Somerville Hastingsasked the Minister of Education whether he is aware that a number of children certified as uneducable are now receiving and benefiting by instruction in special schools; and what steps he proposes to take to legalise this position.
§ Mr. TomlinsonYes, Sir. At the earliest opportunity I propose to put forward an amendment of the law which at present makes these decisions irrevocable.
§ Mr. HastingsDoes my right hon. Friend expect that that will be during the present Session of Parliament?
§ Mr. TomlinsonYes, Sir, I hope so.
Mrs. ManningIf these children, who are said to be uneducable, are benefiting by this teaching, was not something wrong with the first examination for their "I.Q."?
§ Mr. TomlinsonI do not think it is that so much as giving an opportunity to the medical profession or others to change their minds after a period of time.