HC Deb 10 December 1947 vol 445 cc990-1
26. Colonel Hutchison

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Civil Aviation whether he is aware that there exists at present at Prestwick hangar accommodation sufficient to allow the maintenance and servicing of three Constellations at Prestwick Airport; and if he will make arrangements to use these facilities.

Mr. Lindgren

No, Sir. The second part of the Question does not, therefore, arise.

Colonel Hutchison

Will the Parliamentary Secretary look into this again, since the information of those on the spot in no way agrees with what he has said?

Mr. Lindgren

I am prepared to accept my brief rather than that of the hon. and gallant Member.

Mr. Cooper

Can my hon. Friend say the date when he anticipates the Constellations will be brought to this country?

Mr. Lindgren

In the autumn of 1948.

Mr. Cooper

Will he try to speed it up a little?

Colonel Gomme-Duncan

In view of the fact that the Parliamentary Secretary's statements and opinions on Scottish aviation have been almost invariably wrong, is it not possible that he may also be wrong on this occasion?

28. Mr. Ross

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Civil Aviation what is the total sum of the token payments made by the Government to Scottish Aviation, Limited, for their services at Prestwick.

Mr. Lindgren

£103,918 16s. 7d.

Mr. Emrys Hughes

Can the Parliamentary Secretary say whether that includes payments to the hotel, and whether the hotel is owned by Scottish Aviation?

Mr. Lindgren

It is owned by my Ministry, but is operated by Scottish Aviation. The figure does not include anything in regard to the hotel, the rent of which has yet to be determined.

Mr. Rankin

Does the figure relate to work which is going on in the Scottish airport in regard to refitting Dakota aircraft for sale?

Mr. Lindgren

No, Sir, that is entirely private venture.

Mr. Willis

Will the Parliamentary Secretary say when he expects a final settlement?

Mr. Lindgren

As soon as possible. The present contract allows for a continuation until 31st March, 1949, but an attempt will be made to conclude an agreement before that date for the Ministry to take over all the services.

29. Mr. Ross

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Civil Aviation what feeder services exist to and from Prestwick; and what additional feeder services he proposes to introduce.

Mr. Lindgren

None, Sir.