HC Deb 08 December 1947 vol 445 c815
The Chairman

I am sorry, but the Amendment in the name of the right hon. Member for West Bristol (Mr. Stanley) in page 2, line 38, at the beginning to insert Section four of the principal Act (which contains provisions fixing the maximum amount of pension) and. is out of Order, as being in excess of the Money Resolution.

Mr. Stanley

I bow, of course, to your Ruling, Major Milner, but I should like to know whether that Ruling also applies to the new Clause which has been put down in the name of the Secretary of State for the Colonies?

The Chairman


Mr. Stanley

As that new Clause covers exactly the same point as would be covered in my Amendment, and as the new Clause is in Order and my Amendment out of Order, I shall be only too glad to wait until we reach the new Clause.

The Chairman

The distinction is that the right hon. Gentleman's Amendment does not come within the terms of the Money Resolution as it removes the maximum altogether, whereas the new Clause comes within the terms of the Money Resolution as it only increases the amount by the permitted sum, £300.

Clause ordered to stand part of the Bill.

Clauses 4 and 5 ordered to stand part of the Bill.