HC Deb 08 December 1947 vol 445 cc774-5
44. Mr. De la Bère

asked the Minister of Food whether he will give a list of the countries to which manufacturers in this country are exporting biscuits, as from 1st January, 1947; and the total quantity of biscuits thus exported.

Mr. Strachey

With permission, I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT the list of countries to which British manufacturers invoiced about 5,000 tons of biscuits between 1st January and 11th October.

Mr. De la Bère

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that there is not the slightest need for him to tell me to put further questions on this matter? I shall; I am not satisfied. It is a great scandal.

Following are the countries:

Aden. Iran.
Arabia. Jamaica.
Ascension Island. Kenya/Uganda.
Australia. Leeward Islands.
Bahama Islands. Malta.
Bahrein. Mauritius.
Barbados Morocco.
Belgian Congo. Nigeria.
Belgium. Northern Rhodesia.
Bermuda. Nyasaland.
Brazil. Palestine.
British Guiana. Panama.
British Honduras. Peru.
British North Borneo. Philippine Islands.
Burma. Portugal.
Canada. Portuguese East
Ceylon. Africa.
Chile. Portuguese India
Costa Rica. (Goa).
Cuba. Russia.
Cyprus. St. Helena.
Dutch East Indies. Sarawak.
Dutch West Indies. Seychelles.
Eire. Siam.
Falkland Islands. Sierra Leone.
Faroe Islands. Southern Rhodesia.
Federated Malay Sudan.
States. Switzerland.
Gambia. Sweden.
Gibraltar. Tanganyika.
Gold Coast. Trinidad.
Honduras. U.S.A.
Hong Kong. Venezuela.
Hungary. Windward Islands.
India. Zanzibar.