HC Deb 04 December 1947 vol 445 cc547-8
15. Mr. Eric Fletcher

asked the Minister of Health what consultations have taken place with the War Office for the rehousing of tenants of property belonging to the Territorial Army and Air Force Association; and what procedure was agreed upon.

The Minister of Health (Mr. Aneurin Bevan)

This matter has been discussed with the War Office and the associations of local authorities, and it has been agreed that the military authorities will keep in close touch with the local authorities and my principal housing officers in efforts to rehouse occupants of military married quarters against whom they propose to take action for recovery of possession. I have issued instructions to my principal housing officers, and the War Office have issued similar instructions to Commands.

Mr. Fletcher

May I take it that no decision will be taken to evict tenants from this property until final arrangements have been made for them to be rehoused?

Mr. Bevan

I could not give an overall assurance at the moment, but we are doing our very best to find alternative accommodation and we shall do our utmost to prevent individual hardship.

Sir Harold Webbe

Do the right hon. Gentleman's remarks apply also to married quarters occupied in Westminster?

Mr. Bevan

If the hon. Member will study my answer, I think he will find that it is comprehensive.

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