§ 13. Mr. Dyeasked the Minister of Town and Country Planning when the White Paper on the Services land requirements will be issued; and whether no public inquiries into Services' proposals will be held until after the White Paper has appeared.
§ The Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Town and Country Planning (Mr. Fred Marshall)Reconsideration of the White Paper is required in view of decisions taken to meet the economic situation and it is not yet possible to say when it will be issued. As regards the second part of the Question, it may, in a few cases, be desirable to hold the local inquiry in the meantime, but I should not do so except in agreement with the local authorities concerned.
§ Mr. SharpDoes the first part of my hon. Friend's reply mean that the requirements of the Services for land will now be less, owing to the fact that it is likely that there will be fewer service men serving in this country?
§ Mr. MarshallI would not like to commit myself to that.
§ Mr. Boyd-Carpenter; Is this the White Paper which, in the Debate early last December, was promised by the beginning of this year?
§ Mr. MarshallI am not quite sure when it was promised. I know that it has been promised.
§ Mr. MedlandIs my hon. Friend aware that one inquiry has already been held? Will he give an undertaking that before any decision, arising out of that inquiry, is made known, the recommendations and representations of the persons who had only 24 hours' notice will be considered?
§ Mr. MarshallI presume that my hon. Friend is referring to the Dartmoor inquiry. I admit that the notice for that inquiry was pretty short. It is hoped that longer notice will be given in the case of any further inquiries.