HC Deb 05 August 1947 vol 441 cc1265-6
Standing Order 12, page 99, leave out the Standing Order and insert the following new Standing Order:
(Posting of notices in case of tramway etc. Bills. (House of Lords, 12.))
(1) In the case of a Bill whereby it is proposed, in connection with the construction of a tramway or a trolley vehicle system or an underground railway or tramroad, to confer powers authorising any alteration or disturbance of the surface of any street or road—
(a) not later than the Twelfth day of November application shall be made in writing to every authority having control of any such street or road for directions as to the manner in which notice of such proposed powers is to be posted in the street or road;
(b) not later than the Twentieth day of November notice of such proposed powers shall be posted in every such street or road in the manner directed by the said authority or, if no directions have been received from the said authority within seven days after the said application in some conspicuous position in the street or road;
(c) the said notice shall be kept posted as aforesaid for not less than fourteen consecutive days.
(2) Where the said powers are proposed to be conferred in connection with the construction of a tramway or an underground railway or tramroad, the notice posted under this Order, in any street or road shall also state the place or places at which the plans of the tramway, railway or tramroad will be or have been deposited for public inspection under Standing Orders 27 and 36 with local government officers for areas comprising the street or road or any part thereon.
Standing Order 15, page 101, leave out the Standing Order and insert the following new Standing Order:
(Notice to owners and lessees of railways, etc., affected by proposed tramway or trolley vehicle system. (House of Lords, 15.))
(1) On or before the Fifth day of December, in the case of a Bill whereby it is proposed to authorise the construction of a tramway or trolley vehicle system either—
(a) crossing any railway, tramroad, tramway or trolley vehicle system on the level or by means of a bridge; or
(b) crossing any canal by means of a bridge; or
(c) otherwise affecting or interfering with any railway, tramroad, tramway, trolley vehicle system or canal;
notice in writing of the proposal shall be given to the owner, and (if leased) also to the lessee, of the railway, tramroad, tramway, trolley vehicle system or canal to be crossed or affected.
(2) Where the Bill proposes to authorise the construction of a tramway, the notice shall also state the place or places at which the plans of the tramway have been or will be deposited for public inspection.
Standing Order 39, page 116, line 9, leave out the first "and."
Standing Order 39, page 116, line 10, after "Planning," insert "and the Ministry of National Insurance."
Standing Order 39, page 116, leave out from beginning of line 33 to end of line 9 in page 117, and insert,—
"(7) Of every Bill relating to any company, body or person carrying on business in any part of His Majesty's dominions outside the United Kingdom—
(a) if the business is carried on in a Dominion as defined in the Statute of Westminster, 1931, India, Pakistan, or Southern Rhodesia, at the Commonwealth Relations Office;
(b) if the business is carried on in Burma, at the Burma Office;
(c) if the business is carried on in any other part of His Majesty's dominions at the Colonial Office;"
Standing Order 61, page 134, line 27, leave out from "published," to "this," in line 28 and insert "before the Bill was read the first time in."
Standing Order 61, page 135, line 6, after "given," insert "before the Bill was read the first time in this House."
Standing Order 158, page 187, line 25, leave out "the House has received."
Standing Order 158, page 187, line 26, after "Bill," insert "has been presented to the House."
Standing Order 236, page 223, line 28, leave out "38," and insert "39."—[The Chairman of Ways and Means].