HC Deb 29 April 1947 vol 436 c1710
29. Mr. Niall Macpherson

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland on what principle he allocates permits for vacuum flasks to local secretaries of the National Farmers' Union.

Mr. Westwood

The allocation of "Thermos" flask permits for distribution by the National Farmers' Union of Scotland is made to the headquarters of the union, with whom rests the responsibility for distribution to local secretaries.

Mr. Macpherson

Does the Minister know whether the union is kept aware of the number of flasks available in the various localities, because there seems to be little correlation of supplies?

Mr. Westwood

We have arranged what we think is the best method of distribution to both union and non-union members. We also have an arrangement whereby the National Farmers' Union can deal with applications made to them by their own members.

Colonel Gomme-Duncan

Does not the right hon. Gentleman realise that while there is difficulty in some parts in getting these flasks, one has only to go to one of the big shops and pay 72s. 6d. to get two flasks in a wicker container?