HC Deb 23 April 1947 vol 436 cc1004-5
13. Major Tufton Beamish

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he will now make it compulsory for all employees of Control Commission for Germany in Germany to learn elementary German within one year of taking up their appointment and lay it down that those who fail to pass the elementary test within this period shall cease to be employed, while those who can pass a test of a much higher standard than the elementary one shall receive a small rise in pay or a cash bonus.

Mr. McNeil

Arrangements are being considered under which members of the Control Commission in Germany will be encouraged to study the German language. It is not, however, proposed to institute a compulsory language test.

Major Beamish

Why should they only be "encouraged" to learn it? Surely it ought to be compulsory? Is it the view of His Majesty's Government that you can administer a country without speaking the language of that country?

Mr. McNeil

I am sure the hon. and gallant Gentleman will agree that there are many experts and highly qualified technicians whose services we must have. While it is true that if they had the capacity to speak and to read German, they would be more effective, nevertheless we could not possibly do without the services of those experts.

Colonel Ropner

Is it not very much better that employees should be discouraged from talking German badly? Is it not much better to speak through an interpreter?

Mr. McNeil

I am afraid I could hardly agree. It is desirable that as many as possible should have a familiarity with the German tongue.

Professor Savory

Is it not unfortunate, in view of the large number of university graduates who have taken high honours in the German language, that so few members of the Control Commission have any knowledge whatever of that language?

Mr. McNeil

I am afraid I could not accept the inference that only a few members of the Commission know the language.

Major Beamish

Is the Minister aware that most of the interpreters are blonde German girls who were trained in Germany to do interpreting in this country after this country was defeated, and is this not a shocking state of affairs?