HC Deb 21 April 1947 vol 436 c600
59. Mr. Hurd

asked the Minister of Works if he will revise the regulation which requires that the value of the materials in a small building, such as a garden shed, which it is proposed to move from one site to another, must be included in the total cost, which has the effect of bringing the operation within the scope of licensing by the local authority.

Mr. Key

No revision is necessary. It it is desired to move an existing building from one site to another all that has to be taken into account in computing the cost of the work is the cost of dismantling, the cost of transport, if any, and the cost of re-erection.

Mr. Shawcross

Does this also apply to the sale of new garages in concrete, steel, aluminium, and timber, which are being extensively advertised?

Mr. Key

This does not apply to new erections, but to existing ones.