HC Deb 16 April 1947 vol 436 c154
The Chairman of Ways and Means (Major Milner)

I beg to move, That the several Amendments to the Standing Orders relative to Private Business hereinafter stated in the Schedule be made:—


Standing Order 39, page 116, line 6, after "Home Office," insert "the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries."

Standing Order 39, page 116, leave out lines 22 to 28.

Standing Order 39, page 117, Leave out from the beginning of line 34 to the end of line 8, in page 118.

Standing Order 211, page 209, 19, at end insert: "except as provided by Standing Order 228A."

After Standing Order 228, insert new Standing Order 228A: (Application of S.Os. 169, 191 and 218):

(1) The following Standing Orders shall apply to Bills to confirm Provisional Orders issued under the Procedure Act in like manner as to Private Bills, that is to say:

Standing Orders 169 (Attachment of financial memorandum to certain Bills) and 191 (Tolls and charges not in the nature of a tax).

(2) Standing Order 218 (Order of Proceedings in House on Confirming Bills) shall apply to Bills to confirm Provisional Orders issued under the Procedure Act."

These Amendments to the Standing Orders relating to Private Business are quite mild ones. If I could, with your permission, Mr. Speaker, take them all together, the first three relate to Amendments to Standing Order No. 39 merely to secure that the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries receives a copy of all Private Bills. In the past, this has not been so, and that Ministry only received copies of Bills which had particular reference to the Ministry. The new Standing Order No. 228A makes no new procedure, but its effect is to apply to Scottish Provisional Orders the procedure which applies to other forms of Private Bills. When the Standing Orders were revised, that particular point was overlooked, and this Amendment puts the matter in order.

Question put, and agreed to.