HC Deb 16 April 1947 vol 436 cc168-9
18. Mr. Garry Allighan

asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster what has become of all the art treasures, tapestries and other valuables looted by the Nazis and found by the Allies in Karinhall, Goering's country mansion in the Schorfheide; whether they have been sold; and to what purpose the proceeds have been devoted.

J. Hynd

No information has been received regarding the disposal of art treasures found in Karinhall, which is in the Soviet zone. A number of art treasures which had been removed by Goering from Karinhall to South Germany were recovered. These have not been sold, but are being restored under the agreed restitution procedure to the Governments of those countries from which they were removed.

Mr. Allighan

Will the Chancellor of the Duchy say whether he has made any approaches to our Allies to find out whether they have seized this property, and what they have done with it?

Mr. Hynd

As Karinhall is in the Soviet zone I do not think it is for us to suggest that treasures might be going to particular parts. It is for our Allies to announce.

Mr. W. Fletcher

With regard to goods recovered in the Southern district mentioned by the Minister, will he see that they are not only restored to the Governments concerned, but to the original owners, whether museums or private owners?

Mr. Hynd

I do not know whether I can go so far as to dictate to the Governments concerned, but I will certainly look at the point.

Major Bruce

Has any request been received from our Soviet Ally for the services of those British nationals who were entertained at Karinhall before the war, in order to identify the art treasures concerned?