HC Deb 16 April 1947 vol 436 cc157-8
4. Mr. Erroll

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Civil Aviation when he intends to inaugurate direct air services between the Ringway airport of Manchester and Continental cities; and if he will now publish the routes and separate dates of inauguration.

Mr. Lindgren

As I stated on 30th October, 1946, in my reply to a similar Question by the hon. Member, British European Airways Corporation plans to start services to the Continent of Europe from different cities in the United Kingdom as soon as the necessary aircraft and ground facilities can be made available. The setbacks in the delivery of Viking aircraft have materially affected the programme of the Corporation, and decisions cannot yet be taken as to the dates or routes on which Continental services can be inaugurated.

Mr. Erroll

Does the Minister realise that Manchester is a great centre of our export trade, and will he get the matter speeded up as much as possible?

Mr. Lindgren

Yes, Sir. But in fairness to the hon. Gentleman who put the Question down, I think I ought to make it clear that the first allocation of Vikings will be made to the Continental service from London, and not to the services from the provinces.