HC Deb 01 April 1947 vol 435 cc1831-2
50. Mr. Piratin

asked the Prime Minister whether, in order to prepare and carry out national economic planning along Socialist lines, in deciding who should fill the post of chief planning officer, consideration was given to those who had ability and also Socialist principles.

The Prime Minister

Ability, experience of planning and willingness to carry out the policy laid down by His Majesty's Government were all taken into account. No investigation was made into the political principles of those whose qualifications were considered suitable.

Mr. Piratin

Even though some hon. Members may not agree that the economic planning of the Government is meant to be based on Socialist principles, would it not have been advisable to find someone who had such principles?

Sir W. Smithers

Is this not a case of the tail wagging the dog?

The Prime Minister

The hon. Member has not quite grasped the principle in this country by which the policy is laid down by the Government but the Civil Service very loyally carry out the decisions of the Government of the day.

Mr. Oliver Stanley

Can the Prime Minister tell me how it was possible to find any applicant willing to carry out the policy of the Government in view of the fact that there does not appear to be one?

The Prime Minister

As the principal staple talk of hon. Members opposite has been denunciation of the policy of the present Government, I do not see how the right hon. Gentleman finds that there is not one.