HC Deb 22 October 1946 vol 427 c1459
26. Dr. Comyns

asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware of the delay in issuing final discharge papers to men who were released under Class B; and if he will take steps to expedite same.

Mr. Bellenger

There has been no delay in these cases. Final discharge will not be carried out until the formal end of the emergency; in the meantime all men who have been released, whether in Class A or Class B, are retained in the Royal Army Reserve.

Dr. Comyns

Does that mean that men released under Class B will be required to remain in their present employment indefinitely?

Mr. Bellenger

No, I do not think that is the effect of my answer. It merely means that they are put in Class W reserve for the time being.

Squadron-Leader Fleming

Is it not a fact that if a man takes release under Class B, he loses the priority of his group, say, from 45 to 55?

Mr. Bellenger

I would not like to answer offhand that question, but if the hon. and gallant Member will put it on the Order Paper, I will ascertain the facts.