HC Deb 15 October 1946 vol 427 cc771-2
22. Mr. Boyd-Carpenter

asked the Secretary of State for War when he intends to make an announcement on the subject of the payment of postwar credits and gratuities to regular soldiers at present serving.

34. Mr. Douglas Marshall

asked the Secretary of State for War, in view of the fact that considerable time has now passed since the close of hostilities, if he will state when active Servicemen will receive their gratuities, since these payments are required in many cases to resettle the family side of these men's lives.

Mr. Bellenger

Arrangements for payment have now been made. These are explained in more detail in a statement which I am circulating in the OFFICIAL REPORT. As the work of payment will necessarily take some time to complete, I hope the Press will help by giving publicity to this statement.

Following is the statement:

War gratuities of serving members of the Forces will shortly be released for payment. As previously announced, service in the Forces after 15th August, 1946, does not reckon for war gratuity, and arrangements have now been made to assess the war gratuity earned by all members of the Forces up to that date, with a view to early payment

The war gratuity will be paid as at present by means of a credit opened in the individual's name in the Post Office Savings Bank and, as despatch of the bank books will be spread over a period of months, it has been decided that the credit will be opened in each case from a common date, 31st October, 1946, and interest will accrue as from that date The work of assessment and issue will take a considerable time; issues of the Savings Bank books are not expected to begin before December, 1946, or to be completed be-fore June, 1947; but in cases where the book has not been sent before the date of release or discharge, arrangements will be made for its despatch within 57 days of that date. The work will be carried out under a regular programme as rapidly as possible; special issues out of turn cannot be arranged.

The special Service post-war credits in respect of service in the ranks after 1st January, 1942 (6d. a day for men and 4d. for women), will be paid at the same time and in the same manner as the war gratuities. Detailed official instructions will be circulated by the Service Departments to each Service.

I wish to appeal on behalf of the Government to all members of the Forces who receive this money to delay spending it as long as they possibly can. They will best help their country and themselves by leaving it deposited with the Post Office Savings Bank until they need it for setting themselves up in civil life or for other really necessary expenditure.

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