HC Deb 10 October 1946 vol 427 c332
6. Mr. Peter Freeman

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department in how many cases a poll has been taken under the Sunday Entertainments Act, 1932, which has resulted in favour of Sunday opening of cinemas in reversal of the vote taken on the preceding town meeting; in how many cases where public polls have declared in favour of Sunday opening have His Majesty's Government refused to grant the draft order; and the extent to which cinematograph shows given by churches and clubs on Sundays are subject to police inspection.

Mr. Ede

Since the passing of the Act of 1932, there have been 116 draft Orders submitted by borough and urban district councils. As regards 79 of them, a public meeting vote against Sunday opening was reversed by a poll. The decision whether such draft Orders shall be confirmed rests not with the Government but with Parliament. In one case only has Parliament refused confirmation. All exhibitions involving the use of inflammable films, to which the public are admitted, are subject to inspection under the Cinematograph Act, 1909. Most licensing authorities take the view that the Act does not apply to exhibitions of sub-standard films which are, I understand, the kind more commonly shown in churches and clubs.