HC Deb 09 October 1946 vol 427 cc191-2
48. Mr. Stokes

asked the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster why a decision has been taken to blow up the administrative buildings of the T.V.A. factory at Eckernforde, near Kiel, in view of the fact that the buildings are urgently required for hospital purposes, and whether he will give instructions that these and similar buildings are to be preserved.

Mr. J. Hynd

These buildings formed part of the main German torpedo research and testing establishment which throughout the two world wars was the centre of German torpedo production. They were accordingly scheduled for destruction under the Quadripartite Agreement for the elimination of German war potential. Buildings scheduled for destruction may, however, be temporarily retained if they are required to meet the needs of the occupying Powers or authorised civilian needs of the Germans, and the question of the retention of these buildings as of other such buildings in the Kiel area is under consideration; account will be taken of the claims of interested German civilian authorities.

Mr. Stokes

Will my hon. Friend take some steps to prevent the Navy going completely mad in this matter and going round Germany blowing everything up? Does he not agree that steps are necessary to stop them behaving in this dastardly manner?

Mr. Hynd

The Naval Division is under the Allied Control Commission, and is not going round Germany blowing everything up. If my hon. Friend will read the answer he will find that the very Question that he has put to me is receiving consideration.

Mr. R. S. Hudson

Is it not a fact that the Navy are doing their best to blow up not only this but a great amount of similar accommodation which would be available to civilians, and that in fact it is only with the greatest difficulty that on each occasion they are stopped? Is it not time that some general instructions were issued to these Naval Divisions to hold their hands until suitable alternative accommodation can be provided?

Mr. Hynd

No, Sir, because instructions were given some considerable time ago and steps are being taken in that direction. The building referred to in the. Question was already under consideration in accordance with that policy before the Question was put down on the Order Paper.