HC Deb 26 November 1946 vol 430 cc1408-9
49. Mr. Boothby

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer why the loans advanced to local authorities by the Public Works Loans Board bear a rate of interest so far out of line with that achieved in respect of Government securities; and what steps he is taking to reduce this rate.

Mr. Dalton

New loans by the Board are at 2½ per cent. or less. As regards old loans at higher rates of interest, I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given last Tuesday to the hon. Members for West Fife (Mr. Gallacher), Central Edinburgh (Mr. Gilzean) and North Edinburgh (Mr. Willis).

Mr. Boothby

Does not the Chancellor of the Exchequer think it is altogether out of order—I would almost say—for local authorities to be required to pay interest rates up to 5 and 6 per cent., and even 7 per cent. in some cases, for retrospective loans? Will he not do something about it?

Mr. Dalton

Those local authorities had the misfortune to borrow under a Tory Government, but none the less, if my hon. Friend will study the answer to which I have referred him he will see that all the gates of hope are not quite closed.

Mr. Gallacher

Would the Chancellor of the Exchequer consider hitting the Tories and those they represent a real crack by doing away with interest altogether?

Mr. Stokes

May I ask the Chancellor whether he contemplates introducing legislation to relieve some of the local authorities from these exorbitant rates which were perpetrated on them when the party opposite was in office?