HC Deb 26 November 1946 vol 430 cc1397-8
26. Mr. Willis

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he is aware that, for the period 1st January, 1945, to 30thSeptember, 1946, Edinburgh Corporation had received approval for tenders for 2,081 houses; that, during the same period, licences had been granted for the provision, by erection and sub-division, of approximately 650 houses for sale; whether this is in accordance with the agreement reached between his Department and Edinburgh Corporation; and what steps he proposes to take to see that the Corporation's programme is accelerated.

Mr. Buchanan

The facts are broadly as stated in the first part of the Question. The understanding to which my hon. Friend refers relates to the issue of licences for the erection of new houses, 306 of which had been licensed by the corporation up to 30th September 1946. I am not aware that it has been departed from. As I stated in a reply to my hon. Friend on 29th October, the corporation have also imposed restrictive conditions on the issue of licences for conversion work. I have no evidence to suggest that progress on the corporation's own schemes is being retarded because of private building, but I shall continue to keep the position under close review.

Mr. Willis

Could my hon. Friend say whether he is now taking steps to see that the corporation increases its permanent programme, in view of the fact that this activity is causing great concern among people who want houses but who fear that their needs will once again compel them to accept responsibilities that they have no wish to accept, and cannot afford to accept in any case?

Mr. Buchanan

I went into this matter rather fully. I found that conversion is on a fair scale, but I could not find any evidence that it is retarding corporation building. With regard to the general progress of corporation houses, I am constantly in touch with the corporation. Anything I can do to help them to increase the number of houses I shall be glad to do.