HC Deb 25 November 1946 vol 430 cc1233-5
5. Mr. Piratin

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he will make a statement in connection with the reinstatement of the elected trade union leadership in Greece to their former posts.

Mr. Mayhew

Yes, Sir. As the House will be aware, His Majesty's Government, at the invitation of the Greek Government, recently made certain suggestions as to how best to solve the difficulties raised by a judicial decision of the Greek Council of State, concerning the legal position of the former Executives of the Greek Confederation of Labour and of the Workers' Centres. These suggestions have been accepted by the Greek Government, but have been rejected by the representatives of the Greek Workers' organisations. The basis of these suggestions was that a provisional executive should be established, consisting of the seven members of the executive which was invalidly elected, together with five others. Their task would have been the holding of fresh elections. subject to safeguards to be agreed upon, the conservation of assets, and the conduct of current business. The Government was also to arrange as speedily as possible for the unconditional release of trades union leaders at present under restraint, excepting those charged with murder. I regret that these suggestion? which were adopted by the Greek Government and which in my view would have formed a basis for a reasonable settlement of the outstanding difficulties, have not proved acceptable to all parties, but I am glad to note that the Greek Government, for their part, have announced their intention of proceeding with the release of trades union leaders.

Mr. Piratin

Do I understand from the answer—rather long but appreciated—that the Greek trades union leaders who were arrested are all to be released, and, therefore, that the proposals made by Mr Braine, who was sent there specially for this purpose, were according to instructions given to him by the Foreign Office here, or were they compromise proposals?

Mr. Mayhew

The answer to the first part of the question is that the Government will proceed with the release of the trade union leaders, except those charged with murder. The answer to the second part is that we take full responsibility for Mr. Braine's work

Mr. Warbey

Can my hon. Friend say why Mr. Braine departed from the original proposal made, which was that the executive should be increased by another 10 members, five of a Left wing tendency and five of a reformist tendency?

Mr. Mayhew

I think that that gives an inaccurate impression. The fact was that at the last moment the Greek workers' representatives asked for an executive consisting of 17 members instead of the 12 suggested by Mr. Braine.

Mr. Walkden

Is my hon. Friend aware that suspicion and bitterness, as far as the workers are concerned, have gone from bad to worse in recent weeks, and is there not every likelihood that there will be far worse trouble in Northern Greece as a result of the reported action of the Greek Government?

Mr. Mayhew

I admit that the outcome of these discussions is most disappointing, but I think we have done our best, and I think that Mr. Braine's proposals were sensible and reasonable ones.

Mr. Cocks

Can my hon. Friend say which section of the trade unions in Greece objected to the proposals, and what is the present position regarding those proposals?

Mr. Mayhew

The present position is that the Greek workers' representatives asked, first of all, for the executive committee to consist of 17 instead of 12 members, and they also asked for legal recognition of the status of the invalidated Greek executive, which raises, of course, the point of reconciling that with the legal decision of the Council of State.

Mr. Sydney Silverman

Will the Minister answer that part of my hon. Friend's supplementary question which sought to find out whether the rejection of these proposals was the unanimous rejection by all the workers' representatives or only by some of them?

Mr. Mayhew

I believe it was unanimous, but if I may, I will reserve my final answer until notice has been given.

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