HC Deb 20 November 1946 vol 430 cc860-1


  1. (a) Appointments will be available for extended service for alternative periods of three, four or five years on the active list at the option of the individual and of the Service Departments.
  2. (b) Officers who are accepted for a period of less than five years, or who leave the active list prematurely, will be transferred to unemployment or a reserve for the balance of five years from the date of appointment. During this period, they will be liable for recall in emergency, but not for training in peace-time.
  3. (c) Married women may be accepted for extended service under this scheme provided they satisfy the Service Authorities that they are likely to be fully mobile for the period of their service. They will be permitted to relinquish their commissions or revert to unemployment or to a reserve after a reasonable period of notice should a change in family circumstances render this necessary.
  4. (d) In the event of marriage while on the active list, officers will have the option of remaining in the Service or alternatively of resigning or transferring to unemployment or to a Reserve. An officer not on the active list will also have the option of relinquishment on marriage.
  5. (e) Officers who undertake extended service will be entitled to a gratuity on the completion of the active list period of their Service at the rate of £50 for each 861 year of extended service subject to the same conditions as for comparable male officers including the payment of proportionate gratuity in certain cases where the contract is not completed, except that, normally, officers resigning on marriage or change in family circumstances will not be eligible for any gratuity unless they have completed two years' extended service.
  6. (f) The current rates of pay, which include the additional 1s. a day announced "by the Prime Minister on 27th June, 1946, will remain in issue to officers appointed under this scheme, until the new permanent rates of pay can be announced. War Service increments will also be paid according to rank at the rates earned up to 30th June, 1946, and this will apply to officers who rejoin for service after that date.
  7. (g) Officers still serving who extend their service under this scheme, will be granted 28 days end of war leave subject to the same conditions as for male officers. They will also be granted 28 days' leave on completion of their service. Officers who have already received 56 days' leave on release and who rejoin for extended service will be granted only the 28 days' terminal leave on completion of service.